Christians cannot use ignorance as their reason for not acting upon the truth. God will hold them accountable for their access to the truth and will hold pastors responsible for teaching biblical truth. Expository preaching gives God's people a weekly opportunity to hear the Scriptures read and explained so they will grow in their longing for the Word and their walk with Christ. In short, they will grow in knowledge and understanding, thus, fulfilling God's requirement of His teachers and His people.
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Sept 12, 2021
Give me all the Bacon & Eggs you Have
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…

Navigating the Storms of Life Through Prayer
This blog post explores the power of prayer during life's trials, drawing from the examples of John Flavel and the Apostle Paul. It encourages readers to develop a prayer life aligned with God's will, trusting in His sovereignty even when facing overwhelming challenges.
Keep ReadingEmbracing the Trials That Teach Us to Pray
This post reflects on how God uses difficulties to deepen our prayer lives, highlighting insights from the book of James and the example of Isaiah's simple, heartfelt prayer. It invites readers to embrace the trials that drive them to depend on God in prayer, preparing their hearts for a deeper understanding of prayer through Jesus' teachings.
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The Goal of Expository Preaching
We can define an expository sermon as text driven preaching where the point of the sermon and its outline are derived from the correct interpretation of the text of Scripture. The preacher arrives at the interpretation through careful exegesis using the literal, historical, grammatical method. In the act of preaching, the preacher carefully explains the God-intended meaning of the text giving its modern implications.
Keep ReadingAug 9
The Certainty Of The Word In Uncertain Times
At Grace Bible Church Gainesville, we desire to herald the message of the King in His word, so that the simple
We must realize that our ministry resources are precious; therefore, we need to focus on our Lord’s prerogatives, not ours. Said another way, when we align our priorities with the Lord’s, we can expect the church to accomplish its mission. As such, we assure the church is functioning as God intends. This assurance underscores the importance of developing and following a biblical POM which provides a summary of the biblical prerogatives, which will cause the people of God – the church – to flourish.
When we set the agenda, we become just like the world. Our churches lose their transcendence. Our Sunday meetings become no different than a Lion’s or Rotary Club meeting. Our acts of kindness become empty attempts to please some far away deity. However, when we look to the One who bought the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28), then our churches become a statement to the angelic realm that Christ has defeated His enemies through His death and resurrection—now that is powerful!
Aug 9
Are You Growing In Christ? part 1
We all know people whom we find it difficult to be around much less love and have true Christian fellowship. We all have people who hurt us deeply with their words and even their actions. Some choose to flee these difficult situations by leaving the church. While there are times when we may choose to leave for good reasons including our safety, in many situations, we leave for selfish motives choosing not to pursue forgiveness and reconciliation. Therefore, we forfeit amazing opportunities to be more established in Christ and His church.