This year, Grace Bible Church will be reading The Navigators Bible Reading Plan
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Fresh Bread from the Pastor's Pen

Exalting God in All We Do: A Reminder of Our Commitment

As we consider the demise of the culture around us, we stand firm on our commitment to exalt God at Grace Bible Church Gainesville. This commitment is not merely a slogan or a fleeting thought; it is the very heartbeat of our Philosophy of Ministry (POM). As many of you who have been with us for years know, this biblical commitment shapes every decision, every sermon, and every ministry effort within our church.

Our Philosophy of Ministry is represented by four pillars: Exalting God, Expositing His Word, Equipping His Saints, and Evangelizing the Lost. These are not just tasks we perform; they are expressions of our deepest desire to magnify the name of Yahweh in all that we do. We are not content with superficial gestures or mere formalities; we aim to glorify God, treat His name as holy, and revere Him in every aspect of our lives.

As the Apostle Peter wrote to the early Christians facing persecution, he did not promise relief from their trials. Instead, he reminded them of the incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading inheritance kept in heaven for every true believer. He wanted them to understand the profound truth that God’s divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness. In the same way, we at GBC are reminded of our primary commitment: to exalt God, even in the face of opposition.

Peter’s words resonate deeply with us: “I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them” (2 Peter 1:12, LSB). We, too, are committed to stirring one another up by way of reminder. We exist to exalt God, and this truth should permeate every aspect of our lives.

Psalm 34 captures the essence of our mission: “I will bless Yahweh at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth... O magnify Yahweh with me, And let us exalt His name together” (Psalm 34:1-3, LSB). This is a call to the individual exaltation of God and to the body of Christ to exalt Him together. Together, we lift high the name of our Lord, recognizing His holiness and His right to rule over every part of our lives and His right to rule over His church.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Hallowed be Your name” (Matthew 6:9, LSB), emphasizing the holiness of God’s name. This concept of hallowing—treating as holy—reflects our attitude towards God. He is not just another figure in our lives; He is the thrice holy God whose glory fills the earth. At GBC, we believe that every human exists to glorify God, and we are determined to ensure that our church reflects this truth in all that we do.

The Apostle Paul exemplified this commitment. His life was a portrait of one sold out for the Lord, living solely for the exaltation of God. Whether facing imprisonment or death, Paul’s focus was unwavering: to finish the course and the ministry received from the Lord Jesus, to testify of the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24, LSB). His life was a testament to the truth of Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.” Paul lived out this prayer, giving his life to exalt God.

As we reflect on Paul’s ministry, we are reminded that our mission at Grace Bible Church is to exalt God in every aspect of our lives. We recognize His sovereignty and right to rule and aim to honor Him in all we do. This is not always easy, and we know we will encounter opposition. But like Paul, we press on, confident in the Lord’s faithfulness and promise that if we endure, we will reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:11-13, LSB).

As Paul’s life drew to a close, he expressed his unwavering confidence in the Lord: “The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will save me unto His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (2 Timothy 4:18, LSB). We cling to this hope as we endeavor to exalt God in our church and personal lives. May we remain steadfast, always seeking to glorify our thrice holy God, knowing that our ultimate reward is with Him in His heavenly kingdom.