WE ARE MOVING... again!

We will begin meeting at our new address on Sunday, March 2, 2025.
1750 NW 80th Blvd, Gainesville, FL 32606

Fresh Bread from the Pastor's Pen


This summer 2021, Grace Bible Church debuted our Summers at Grace series: The Kingdom of God. You can find all of the sermons for this series here. This four-part series sought to better explain God's Kingdom plan. 

Following the last sermon on this series, Pastor Brandon Phillips hosted a live questions and answers session where our congregation was able to clear any doubts. These questions were the following: 

List of Questions from our Q&A

  1. Question One: From your sermon today, you spoke about God’s desire to bless the nations through Israel. Have the nations already been blessed through Abraham or is that a promise still in our future and not merely the prophets’ futures? ANSWER
  2. Question Two: Practically what differences are there, will there be, between a restored Israel and Gentile believers. Aren’t both believers? Aren’t both part of The Church? What are the practical differences? ANSWER
  3. Question Three: Romans 11 seems to speak of 3 separate groups of people: the remnant Israel, whom God had foreknew, the Gentiles, and the nation Israel. Is that correct? Does God make a distinction between the remnant and the nation Israel, or does God consider them one? ANSWER
  4. Question Four: Can we, as new testament believers, claim the promises made to Israel? For instance, in Ezekiel 36, the Lord is speaking to Israel about cleansing from idols. ANSWER
  5. Question Five: To what extent are we called to pursue international missions to the nations as a church and as individuals in light of the commission and Matt 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” [Check back soon for the answer]
  6. Question Six: How does your view of the coming kingdom differ from the postmillennial view?  [Check back soon for the answer]

Listen to Part I of The Kingdom of God
