This summer 2021, Grace Bible Church debuted our Summers at Grace series: The Kingdom of God. You can find all of the sermons for this series here. This four-part series sought to better explain God's Kingdom plan.
Following the last sermon on this series, Pastor Brandon Phillips hosted a live questions and answers session where our congregation was able to clear any doubts. These questions were the following:
List of Questions from our Q&A
- Question One: From your sermon today, you spoke about God’s desire to bless the nations through Israel. Have the nations already been blessed through Abraham or is that a promise still in our future and not merely the prophets’ futures? ANSWER
- Question Two: Practically what differences are there, will there be, between a restored Israel and Gentile believers. Aren’t both believers? Aren’t both part of The Church? What are the practical differences? ANSWER
- Question Three: Romans 11 seems to speak of 3 separate groups of people: the remnant Israel, whom God had foreknew, the Gentiles, and the nation Israel. Is that correct? Does God make a distinction between the remnant and the nation Israel, or does God consider them one? ANSWER
- Question Four: Can we, as new testament believers, claim the promises made to Israel? For instance, in Ezekiel 36, the Lord is speaking to Israel about cleansing from idols. ANSWER
- Question Five: To what extent are we called to pursue international missions to the nations as a church and as individuals in light of the commission and Matt 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” [Check back soon for the answer]
- Question Six: How does your view of the coming kingdom differ from the postmillennial view? [Check back soon for the answer]