Sermons from this Series
Dec 2
You Are Your Brother's Keeper
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:19–20 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Nov 18
The Power of Our Relationships
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:16–18 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Nov 11
Prayers of Faith
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:13–15 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Nov 4
Nothing But The Truth
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:12 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Oct 28
Waiting in the Silence, part 2
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:7–11 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Oct 7
Waiting in Silence, part 1
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:7–11 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Sep 30
An Honest Day's Work For An Honest Day's Pay
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:4–6 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Sep 23
For The Love of Money
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 5:1–3 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Sep 16
I Know Who I Am Living For, part 2
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 4:13–17 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Sep 9
I Know Who I Am Living For, part 1
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 4:13–17 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Sep 2
Watch Your Mouth! (And Your Judgments)
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 4:11–12 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Aug 12
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 4:7–10 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Aug 5
All or Nothing?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 4:4–6 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Jul 29
Clear And Present Danger
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 4:1–3 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Jul 1
The Triumph of Belief, The Tragedy of Unbelief: A Review of James 1-3
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 1–3 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Jun 24
Which Way?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 3:15–18 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Jun 10
So You Think You Are Wise?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 3:13–14 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Jun 3
Taming The Beast, part 3
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 3:1–12 Series: James - The Power of the Word
May 27
Taming The Beast, part 2
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 3:1–12 Series: James - The Power of the Word
May 20
Taming The Beast, part 1
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 3:1–12 Series: James - The Power of the Word
May 13
Counting The Cost
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 2:20–26 Series: James - The Power of the Word
May 6
Faith That Works
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 2:14–19 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Apr 29
The Greatest Command
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 2:8–13 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Apr 22
Blessed Are The Poor
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 2:5–7 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Apr 15
Playing Favorites
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 2:1–4 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Apr 8
True Religion
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 1:26–27 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Mar 25
Blessed Obedience
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 1:22–25 Series: James - The Power of the Word
Feb 25
The Power of The Word
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: James 1:19–21 Series: James - The Power of the Word