Trophies of Grace (part 4)
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Ephesians - The Church - A Mystery Revealed Category: The Grace of God, Salvation, Faith Scripture: Ephesians 2:8–10
Sermon Outline
The apostle Paul explains two reasons to be confident in the Gospel’s effectiveness to transfer us from the realm of darkness. We can be confident because:
- Our Faith has a Supernatural Origin!
- Our Works are Supernaturally Produced!
"I will not believe that thou hast tasted of the honey of the Gospel if thou can eat it all to thyself." ~ Charles Spurgeon
"Paul's claim [was] that the message he preached was the authentic Gospel of Christ. [There] are two things on which Paul pre-eminently insisted - that salvation was provided by God's grace and that faith was the means by which men appropriated it." ~ F.F. Bruce
Sunday Service Songs (hymns found in Sing The Wonders hymnal)
- Come Christians Join To Sing (#1)
- Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above (#12)
- Jesus, Thank You (#148)
- My Faith Has Found A Resting Place (#99)
- Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine (CCLI #2645094)
other sermons in this series
May 17
Our God is Able!
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Ephesians 3:20–21 Series: Ephesians - The Church - A Mystery Revealed
May 3
Apr 26
Power-Packed Prayer
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Ephesians 3:16–17 Series: Ephesians - The Church - A Mystery Revealed