This year, Grace Bible Church will be reading The Navigators Bible Reading Plan
Learn More About the Plan

June 28, 2020

Christ's Gifts to His Church, Part II

Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Ephesians - The Worthy Walk Category: Ministry and Service, The Gospel Scripture: Ephesians 4:7–10

Sermon Outline - June 28th, 2020 @10:30am EST

Livestream link

Christ’s Gifts to His Church, Part II

(Ephesians 4:7-10)

In this passage, the apostle Paul gives two primary proofs that Jesus has won the right to give spiritual gifts to His church:

  1. He Descended in Lowliness (4:8-10a)
  2. He Ascended in Loftiness (4:10b)


Whenever we dislocate our own spiritual gift from the anchor [of the ministry of the word] we begin to flounder in a sea of instability. We must see to it that our gifts are fed on the teaching of Holy Scripture, so that they grow strong and are channeled in the right direction, and so bring glory to Christ – Sinclair Ferguson


God distributes His gifts for His purposes and for the good of His people. His sovereign administration of these gifts must be acknowledged as right and proper by His people, even when they cannot see the good ~ Jay Adams


Sunday Service Songs (song sheet for download):

Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love
All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (44)
Jesus What A Friend For Sinners (157)
O Great God (216)
May The Mind of Christ My Savior (227)

Church bulletin