Matthew: A Unique Kingly Visit, Part III
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory Category: Birth of Christ Scripture: Matthew 2:1–23
In this unique account of Gentile Magi who traveled from the east (Matt 2:1-23), Matthew gives three typical responses to King Jesus:
- Unwelcome and Worshipful Magi? (Review)
- Unhappy and Wicked King Herod? (Review)
- Unworthy and Worthless Religious Leaders?
- Uncompromising and Withstanding Parents of Jesus?
- Here Is Love (246)
- Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (161)
- Amazing Grace (223)
- Show Us Christ (330)
- Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (276)
other sermons in this series
Jan 30
Defeating Worry
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 19
Our Heavenly Treasure
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 12
Fasting By Faith
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:16–18 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory