You’ve Heard It Said - Part V
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory Category: Marriage Scripture: Matthew 5:31–32
In Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus teaches the third of six demanding truths that characterize the Kingdom way, which is the heart of OT law.
Jesus teaches -
Thou Shalt Not Get a Divorce! (Matt 5:31-32)
- Jesus gives the letter of the command (Matt 5:31) [Review]
- Jesus gives the spirit of the command (Matt 5:32)
- Jesus illustrates the seriousness of the command (Matt 5:32)
- Wrongful Divorce:
- Makes Her Commit Adultery! (Matt 5:32)
- Makes Him Commit Adultery! (Matt 5:32)
- Wrongful Divorce:
- Come People of the Risen King (3)
- Ancient of Days
- All Hail the King of Heaven
- My Faith has Found a Resting Place (99)
- My Jesus, I Love Thee (214)
other sermons in this series
Jan 30
Defeating Worry
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 19
Our Heavenly Treasure
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 12
Fasting By Faith
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:16–18 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory