The Grave Danger of Religiosity - Part I
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory Category: Religiosity Scripture: Matthew 6:1–18
In Matthew 6:1, Jesus introduces three illustrative warnings depicting the grave danger of self-aggrandizing righteousness (or religiosity). He warns all His disciples (including us) to beware of:
- Self-Centered Donations (Matt 6:2-4)
- In Matt 6:2-4, Jesus warns against self-centered giving. He commands you to give:
- Straight from your heart (Matt 6:2)
- Sans the hubbub (Matt 6:2)
- Squarely under your hat (Matt 6:3-4)
- Let Your Kingdom Come
- All Glory Be to Christ
- Take My Life and Let It Be
- My Worth Is Not in What I Own
- I Surrender All
- Jesus Shall Reign
other sermons in this series
Jan 30
Defeating Worry
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 19
Our Heavenly Treasure
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 12
Fasting By Faith
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:16–18 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory