May 28, 2023
Podcast 15 - Should Christians Watch "The Chosen"?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: Idols Passage: Genesis 1:1–1:1
May 21, 2023
Podcast 14 -Beginning With The End In Mind - Part IX
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: End of Times
May 15, 2023
Podcast 13 -Beginning With The End In Mind - Part VIII
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: End of Times
May 7, 2023
Podcast 12 - Beginning With The End In Mind - Part VII
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: End of Times
May 3, 2023
Podcast 11 - Beginning With The End In Mind - Part VI
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: End of Times