This year, Grace Bible Church will be reading The Navigators Bible Reading Plan
Learn More About the Plan

Brandon Phillips - Pastor / Teacher, Grace Bible Church Gainesville


Brandon Phillips (Pastor B) grew up in rural southwest Arkansas before attending the University of Arkansas, where he graduated with his BSCE in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation, he worked as a professional engineer and general manager in the steel industry for over 18 years before moving with his family in 2013 to attend The Master's Seminary in Sun Valley, CA, where he received his Master's of Divinity in 2017. Pastor B loves to read, write, and teach the Bible. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing golf, and pickleball.

In 1997, Pastor B married his beautiful wife, Angie, who grew up around Gainesville and attended Santa Fe High School in Alachua. Together, they have four children: Brandon Jr. (24), Andrew (20), Chloe (19), and Cayla (17). Angie serves in various ministries in the church, including leading the Women's Study and serving in hospitality. In her free time, she enjoys her family.

Pastor B arrived in Gainesville in January 2017 to plant GBC Gainesville. He and Angie are constantly amazed at all the Lord has done in their lives and are excited to see what He will do at GBC Gainesville.