June 26, 2023
Podcast 20 - Why does God allow us to suffer, Part I
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: Suffering Passage: Genesis 1:1–1:1
June 19, 2023
Podcast 19 - Are We Alone in the Universe?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: Aliens and life on other planets
June 12, 2023
Podcast 18 - Are We Christian Nationalists, Part II
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: Christian Nationalism
June 5, 2023
Podcast 17 - Are We Christian Nationalists, Part I
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: Christian Nationalism
June 4, 2023
Podcast 16 - What Did Ken Ham Just Say?
Speaker: Brandon Phillips and Keith Kemp Topic: Calvinism