January 5, 2020

The Prize of the Faithful Called

Speaker: Philip Chang Category: The Word of God, The Gospel, Christian Living Scripture: John 6:60–71

Sermon Outline

The Prize of the Faithful Called
John 6:60-71
1) False disciples will ultimately reject Christ (60-66)
2) The Prize - Christ Himself is the true disciple's ultimate prize (67-68a)
3) The Faithful - True disciples faithfully pursue Christ according to His Word (68b-69)
4) The Called - God preserves those He has called (70-71)
"If you have not Christ, you have not salvation, whatever else you may have." ~ Charles Spurgeon
"Attending a church that does not preach the Word is like going to a restaurant that does not serve food." ~ Steven Lawson
Sunday Service Songs (hymns found in Sing The Wonders hymnal):
  • Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love (CCLI # 7119246)
  • Holy, Holy, Holy (20)
  • All I Have Is Christ (175)
  • Show Us Christ (242)
  • Communion:
  • When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (178)
  • Man of Sorrows (Hallelujah! What A Savior) (165)
  • Jesus What A Friend For Sinners (157)