This year, Grace Bible Church will be reading The Navigators Bible Reading Plan
Learn More About the Plan

February 16, 2020

The Mystery Revealed (part 2)

Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Ephesians - The Church - A Mystery Revealed Category: The Gospel, The Church, Church Unity Scripture: Ephesians 3:1–6

Sermon Outline

Paul wanted the Ephesian church to know that he could be trusted and that all Christians must press forward for the sake of the mystery of Christ of which he was made a steward. Paul pleaded that God gave him this stewardship for:

  1. Our Interest (3:1-2)
  2. Our Insight (3:3-4)
  3. Our Instruction (3:5)
  4. Our Increase (3:6)


"The apostles have preached the Gospel to us from the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ [has done so] from God. Christ, therefore, was sent by God, and the apostles by Christ" ~ Clement of Rome – A.D. 96

"'The people shall be called by a new name, which the Lord shall name them, and shall be a holy people.' This was first fulfilled in Syria; for 'the disciples were called Christians at Antioch,' when Paul and Peter were laying the foundations of the Church" ~ Ignatius

Sunday Service Songs (hymns found in Sing The Wonders hymnal):

  • All Creatures Of Our God And King (5)
  • Crown Him With Many Crowns (22)
  • The Lord Is My Salvation (CCLI # 7063694)
  • There Is A Redeemer (49)
  • Great Is Thy Faithfulness (66)