December 13th, 2020 @10:30am EST
The Ordinances of the Church
As part of the New Covenant, the Lord Jesus commanded the church to observe two ordinances. We are commanded to:
- Baptize Believers – In the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
- What Is Baptism?
- What Is the History of Baptism?
- What Is the Significance of Baptism?
- Does Baptism Save Us?
- Observe communion – in remembrance of our Lord’s Death
Baptism is simply the glad expression of a grateful heart recognizing its identity with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection. Many of us look back to the moment when we were thus baptized as one of the most precious experiences we have ever known ~ Henry Allen Ironside
I believe the failure to take baptism seriously in the church, a failure to follow baptism biblically in the church is very likely at the root of some of the immense problems in the church because it betrays people’s unfaithfulness to the simple direct commands of the Lord ~ John MacArthur
Sunday Service Songs
- O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing (171)
- O Worship The King (33)
- Sing We The Song Of Emmanuel
- Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery (116)
- May The Mind Of Christ My Savior (227)