The King Explains Kingdom Righteousness, Part I
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory Category: The Righteousness of God Scripture: Matthew 5:17–20
In Matthew 5:17-20, King Jesus reveals two shocking truths about Kingdom Righteousness. You must recognize that Kingdom righteousness:
Completely Concurs with Old Testament righteousness (Matt 5:17-18)
- Jesus did not come to abolish the OT (Matt 5:17)
- Jesus came to fulfill the OT (Matt 5:17)
- Jesus contended for the permanence of God’s Holy Law (Matt 5:18)
[Next Week] Comprehensively Challenges Pharisaical righteousness (Matt 5:19-20)
- And Can It Be
- Christ the True and Better Adam
- All Sufficient Merit
- Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
- Not In Me
other sermons in this series
Jan 30
Defeating Worry
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 19
Our Heavenly Treasure
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory
Jan 12
Fasting By Faith
Speaker: Brandon Phillips Scripture: Matthew 6:16–18 Series: Matthew: The King and His Glory