WE ARE MOVING... again!

We will begin meeting at our new address on Sunday, March 2, 2025.
1750 NW 80th Blvd, Gainesville, FL 32606

July 26, 2020

Authority of Scripture

Speaker: Joshua Stephens Series: Summer at Grace - The Word of God Category: The Word of God Scripture: Psalm 119:89–96

Sermon Outline - July 26th, 2020 @10:30am EST

Livestream link


Authority in Scripture

1. Survey of Authority in Scripture
2. Scripture's Authority in Practice: Psalm 119:89-96
    a. The Eternal Authority of God's Word
    b. The Life-Giving Authority of God's Word
    c. Our Response to the Authority of God's Word
Sunday service songs (song sheet for download):
Crown Him With Many Crowns (22)
All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (44)
Come Thou Almighty King (42)
Speak O Lord (243)
To God Be The Glory (28)