Pastor Brandon's Blog

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As we move forward, there will be continued pressure for Grace Bible Church to change with the times. This pressure originates from our surrounding culture, but there is more than a subtle push to change from within the church. On the one hand, we understand that change in the church is like the seasons. Our ministry is in a constant transition, with people coming and going. On the other hand, we know that not all change is biblical. Therefore, how are we to evaluate our current path and direction as a church? How are we to assess each ministry in the church? These questions underscore our need for a biblical Philosophy of Ministry (POM).

Wea need to harness the power of masculinity so our families, church, nation, and the world all benefit. Indeed, as we face significant headwinds in our culture, we may find ourselves begging the men to return! If they don't, the blood will continue on our hands.

If you are enduring some trial, I encourage you to consider the joy of having the Holy Spirit dwelling in you! I pray that you will not bitterly complain but will be thankful for the growth in your walk with Christ.

Have you trusted in Jesus's life, death, and resurrection? If so, you will not hear those dreadful words, Depart from Me, on that final day! But the sweet sound of the Savior's voice saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

Suffering and death have been part of man's existence from the time of Adam and Eve. They are so ingrained into our lives that many believe they are natural, yet they are our enemies. We have a hard time imagining a life without them as our constant companions. Even with our modern technology, we cannot beat them.

Pastor Brandon wrote this article in August of 2017 and it was published on our website on October 9th, 2019. It is even more applicable today in the wake of Covid19 and considering the situation in Afghanistan.

Unless you have been living under a rock, we live in a divided country. Sadly, those divisions have extended into Bible-teaching churches. We have chosen to take sides within the body of Christ on political topics of the day. We cannot ignore that one of the main divisions has been over Covid19. As such, there seem to be two main camps within our country and the church. The question is: how do we think critically to arrive at biblical responses to Covid19 and other questions facing the church?

Why are your sermons so long and complicated? Periodically, I receive this question from well-meaning brethren. Believe me, I take these inquiries to heart!