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With other religions, our destination is determined by our works here on earth, but it is not that way with Christianity. Jesus Christ has done all the work in conquering sin and the grave. All we must do is believe. Beloved, it is because Christ has conquered death that we will reign with Him forever in a new heaven and new earth where God dwells among men.

We all know people whom we find it difficult to be around much less love and have true Christian fellowship. We all have people who hurt us deeply with their words and even their actions. Some choose to flee these difficult situations by leaving the church. While there are times when we may choose to leave for good reasons including our safety, in many situations, we leave for selfish motives choosing not to pursue forgiveness and reconciliation. Therefore, we forfeit amazing opportunities to be more established in Christ and His church.

What kind of faith do you have? Are you willing to sacrifice everything for Christ? Are you prepared to risk it all for Him? If the thought of laying it all on the line causes you to make excuses because you enjoy your comfortable life, then you should examine yourself. My prayer is that you will take up your cross and follow Christ now so that when you stand before Him at the judgment, you will hear the words “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and that none of you have to hear the words “Depart from me, I never knew you.”

James tells his readers, “You believe God is one. You do well.” You may have confidence in your profession of faith, but confidence does not guarantee salvation. You may have a vast knowledge of spiritual things, but this knowledge will not help you if you have a dead faith.

True reverence for the Lord comes through the act of turning from our sins and following the Lord Jesus Christ! When we obey God and walk in repentance, we can have great courage knowing that nothing escapes His notice, and that He truly cares for us. When we can have a right relationship with God through His Son Jesus, we can live in great confidence as we look forward to our future both here and in eternity.